Monday, December 9, 2013

Nearly finished with the beaded lizard's mural!  I've had a lot of fun with this one, and I am proud of how it's turning out. A few areas still need serious work, and there are other areas that I have probably spent too much time on.  

Above is a panoramic photo of all three walls, and below are detail shots from each wall.

I have taken a little artistic license and intensified the colors in some places, but for the most part this is a pretty accurate depiction of certain parts of the Sierra Madre Occidental where the Mexican beaded lizards live.  I've been working from photographs.  It is such a fantastic landscape with mountains and brightly colored trees and cactus and it is really a pleasure to paint.  I hope I can visit there some day.

If you see me in my cage, knock on my glass and give me the thumbs up!

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