Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Cotton-Top Tamarin Exhibit

This mural was going to be for the Three Toed Sloth, which I was kind of excited about because I like sloths and I felt sorry for this one because before they changed the lighting and before I painted it the exhibit was really dark and ugly and she spent a lot of time huddled on the floor.  However, the plan changed so now only the Cotton-top Tamarins will be living in here.  I guess I am fine with that.  At least she is in an exhibit with a skylight now.

Source: Mickey Samuni-Blank
Cotton-tops are cool too.  They have great hair. 

Now I am working on another exhibit at the Herpetarium, of which I will probably be posting pictures soon.  This one is for one of my all time favorite animals: the Ozark Hellbender Salamander. 

Mang Viper Exhibit--finished

Here are some pictures of the finished Mang Viper exhibit that I forgot to post before.