Thursday, September 17, 2015

Caiman Lizard Exhibit

I painted this mural for the Caiman Lizard Exhibit in the Herpetarium.  Caiman lizards are large (several feet long), beautiful, intelligent reptiles.  They remind me a lot of dinosaurs.  They live along the river banks of the Amazon rainforest of South America, so that is the scene I depicted in my mural.

Got Milt? -- Hellbender Symposium T-Shirt

This year the St. Louis Zoo hosted the 7th Hellbender Symposium, and I was asked to design the T-shirt.  It was a fun job and my first design to be printed on a shirt.  Ozark hellbenders are a threatended species of endangered giant salamander found only in Missouri, and the St. Louis Zoo has worked very hard to protect them.  This is the first place to successfully breed hellbenders in captivity, which is an enormous breakthrough for insuring the survival of the species.

To celebrate the breeding program, I drew a pair of mating hellbenders with a clutch of eggs and a plume of salamander sperm (milt), to go on the back of the shirt.  The front of the shirt says "Got Milt?"  The shirts were a big hit and I had lots of people tell me they really liked them.

Below is a link to a short documentary about the ozark hellbenders for anyone who is interested: