Thursday, May 14, 2015

Jamaican Iguana Exhibit

I recently painted this mural for the Jamaican Iguana exhibit.  It is one of the largest and most detailed that I have painted and it was an exciting job.   The Jamaican iguana is the largest native land animal on Jamaica and is critically endangered.  It is now found only in the Hellshire Hills on the mainland, but was once found all over Jamaica and on Goat Island off the coast.  I included Goat Island in the distance in the mural as a tribute to this. 

Opuntia Cactus and Grey Birch

I tried to paint only native species of plants, like Jamaican palms and grey birch, and Jamaican opuntia cactus.  The rocks are also painted to resemble the volcanic rocks found in the Hellshire Hills area. 

Panoramic image of Jamaican exhibit

Exhibit with some of the plants put in.